
America’s Urban Campus implements its mission by periodically publishing reports designed to document the size and character of Chicago’s higher education enterprise and the role of Chicago’s universities and colleges in addressing the major issues facing the city.


Students Eating Outside.

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The Contributions of Chicago’s Colleges & Universities to the Chicago Economy: 2020

This study was prepared by America’s Urban Campus based on publicly available data from the Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data Set, managed by the federal government. Additional information was provided by the universities themselves as well as the National Science Foundation. The study provides a summary of the important contributions of talent and innovation to the Chicago Economy over the past 10 years.

Click here to view the 2018 report prepared by the Anderson Economic Group.

A photo of IIT's Kaplan Institute

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New Facilities on AUC Campuses:

Chicago’s universities and colleges built and opened an unprecedented number of new and renovated facilities to serve students and faculty teaching and research over the period from 2014-2019.

$3.3 Billion in facility investments of $5 Million or more.

$2.2 billion spent in the city on construction.

50 projects documented from 9 of AUC’s member institutions.

Chicago with golf course

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Final Report: Forging Partnerships to Address Poverty, Racism and Violence in Chicago, May 23, 2017

One Hundred AUC institution faculty, students, staff and community partners gathered at Roosevelt University to discuss the underlying causes of violence and the role of higher education in partnering to develop solutions. Their work came from the deep concern of AUC university leadership for the continuing cycle of violence in the city that affected so many of Chicago’s neighborhoods and youth. AUC has worked over several years to implement the ideas developed at the workshop.